"Tell him he can come and collect his pay in person."
Love this^^^^
What nerve!
my window cleaner is a jw and as i am always working when he comes to my house i haven't seen him or spoken to him in years.
the other day i was in my local town and went into a cafe for some lunch.
who is sitting there but my window cleaner and his wife.
"Tell him he can come and collect his pay in person."
Love this^^^^
What nerve!
my wife and i recently took the decision to fade out progressively and we are now in the stage where we no longer assist to our meetings.
in this process, we have told the truth to our respective parents but have not forced ourselves upon them; meaning that: we will talk about it when you want to.
as a result, my mother in-law already had some conversations with my wife on why we no longer went, but never brought up the subject with me, at least, up until yesterday.. she was telling us that a good deal of people miss us at the meeting and i answered that i missed them also.
You did a good job letting her know your reasons for no longer wanting to attend. The first things that come to mind when someone leaves is that they are engaged in wrongdoing or have been stumbled. It never occurs to them that we have used our brainpower to get outta there.
Loved that you got her thinking about the true identifiers of a christian according to the bible. It's so difficult for witnesses to see that they are focusing on the wrong things.
hello jwn!
i don't get to check in here or comment as often as i would like because i have been working so hard at school...but i just have to share my news in hopes that newbees can see that taking the leap to enroll in higher education is worth it-.
i am graduating this spring with a bachelor degree in art history, minor anthropology...many people (including nonjw's have given me flack for choosing a "dead end" career path) but since leaving the watchtower organization's group-think mentality and "leaning on my own understanding" instead... i decided to say fuck everyone else's opinion...i am going to pursue my passion to work in a museum as a curator or archivist-.
7 years ago i started on a path i had long ago given up on as impossible.
i met with my elders and told them i could not justify carrying on as a jw.
i went and got my high school qualifications and my higher education diploma (a levels with distinction) in just 12 months.
today i heard from the owner of a small restaurant, the story of how a brother in a local congregation ripped him off for thousands.
the restaurant owner is not a jw but totally familiar with the cult, as his mother is a long-time baptized sister.
she asked him to hire this wonderful brother from her congregation to do construction work he needed at his house.
I've been a landlord since I was 20 years old. Being a zealous pioneer I was eager to let JWs rent my spaces. Big Mistake!!!!!
I quickly learned they (not all, I know), can be worse than any "worldly" tenant. Primarily because they use the whole "you-can't-sue-a-brother" card on you at every turn. But it's ok for them to stiff you on the rent.
After a few of those experiences, I rented to worldings only. And only had a problem with 1 of them.
The funny thing is, my grandmother (a faithful JW) said, "Now you will understand when I tell you to never ever do business with the friends!"
Really grandmother? What other advice do you have for me? How about don't waste my life in the cult? How about that?
under "2014 convention reminders":.
seat saving: when the doors to the facility are opened each morning, please to not rush to the seating area of your preference as if competing with fellow attenders.
a self-sacrificing spirit that moves us to seek the good of others identifies us as true christians and moves onlookers to praise god.. ................................................................ i personally don't recall them previously making reference to the jw-version of the "running of the bulls" that takes place every morning when the doors open at 8:00 a.m. have seen it myself many times, it's always good for a laugh.
We always sat at the very tip top of the venue. No one is in a hurry for those seats. Except a few teens who want to sleep...lol
in a private conversation with a c.o.
friend from north carolina, he told me yesterday that they just got a letter that all traveling overseers (do's & co's) age 70 & up are going to be laid off on 09/01/2014.
they will be asssigned to local congregations and further details are pending.. .
They've always periodically reassigned some back in the field from time to time.
They come into the congo bossing everyone around for a while. Sometimes they realize they aren't the %&$# they thought they were and calm down.
hello everybody peeps.. i got married out of the troof.
they said it wouldn't last etc.. hasn't been easy.
my hubs is still my best buddy.. and i ain't a jw no more.
Here's to many more.
Mr. and Mrs. Cult Classic
recently attended a sad.. bethel speaker was gushing about the wt's embrace of new technology, in the part of his talk warning about "apostate" web sites.. a loose summary of his comments:.
"and the brothers at headquarters have made it very safe for you to go to our website.
in fact, the brothers talked to the folks at google, and they made a special arrangement so that when you type in 'j w period' into the google search engine, it automatically shows you the jw.org website.
That is one of the most ridiculous things ever said from the podium.
hey i joined this thread recently and thought this was a good way to introduce myself.
i am 15, still going to school and i live in the uk.
a good chunk of my mum's side of the family are jws.
You have a good head on your shoulders. Keep learning and plan for your life independent of WT. You'll do fine.